The essence of what you hear on this CD, she can accomplish live without all the instrumentation. In January of this year, I saw her at Matchless in Brooklyn. There was a nice showing of her fan base, but the rest of the crowded bar didn't know her. The fans were up close and embracing Frances. She started the set using her guitar as percussion, and after she sang the first note, everyone moved forward. The bar was silent. People stood on barstools to get a better look. As the set continued, the audience clapped, stomped, and sang along appropriately. It is a joy watching her look up to recall every word and nuance, smiling from ear to ear, and singing to the rafters!!
Freshman year was Hop Along's first effort, which is remarkable. She is currently working on another full-length. Can't wait!!!
Freshman Year LP
i love this!
frances is such a great songwriter/singer as well as an amazing person. everything that's been said in this review i agree with 100%. i havent met a single person who hasnt loved her album upon first listen yet!. much love!
Nice review! She's soooo good. I'm hoping she'll stop in my town next tour...We talked about it briefly.
Sadly, I've never seen her live. :(
listening to and seeing hop along live has made me excited about music again!
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