When I started this Blog in June of last year my intentions were to feature and write about music that “I Can’t Get Enough Of”. My original concept has not changed. What has occurred is my music palette has expanded. I continue to be passionate about the music I’ve written about. Fickle is not part of my vocabulary.
My quest to understand how the independent music market is promoted via the Internet continues. My goal has been to learn about how it is utilized to promote great music.
I listen to mostly independents and their situation is unique. A band can have good work ethic and talent, but that does not mean people will respond to their music or find them. As a serious career choice a bands survival depends on people listening, going to shows, buying CD's, purchasing merchandise and then spreading the music around in as many ways possible.
Suggestions for bands and singer/songwriters to think about:
1. Creating a band name that can be easily found on the Internet. If you have already established a non-researchable name, explore alternatives to help people find you. Be creative.
2. Support the Bloggers, Podcasters, Vloggers and On-line Communities that you respect by linking them to your site. They are and will be an important part of your future.
4. Create your own culture. Working outside the mainstream can develop into something that benefits many and broadens opportunities.
5. Thank people that help you along the way. This should not be awkward. The relationships you foster will be there for you in the future. As you develop so do they. Don’t make the assumption that they are not important or not necessary, fans included.
6. Arrange that someone video tape your shows and take pictures that you can share. This naturally occurs for many bands, but for newcomers just getting to the venue and booking shows is hard enough. This detail is important. It is self-promotion but can be done without appearing self-congratulatory.
7. Create your own band philosophy will help you focus and be the focal point of how you want to present yourself.
8. Elicit fans and friends to work for free. They will make buttons, fan sites, websites, silkscreen tee shirts, put out flyers, sponsor shows, write copy, design promotional material, and do a creative video. Make sure the people you work with share your sensibilities and philosophy.
9. Collaborate with other musicians. This will broaden your world and audience.
10. It never hurts to ask.
Comment and Add your own suggestions to the list.
The Problem With Music Steve Albini