Ben Thornewill on Keys/vocals, Tommy Seigel on guitar/vocals, and Jessie Kristen on drums exude warmth, connectedness, and unpretentious ease of performance. They take their music seriously but don’t burden the audience with insecurity. They can enjoy a good flub of a lyric; laugh, shrug and continue to play.
The incredibly catchy mix of dance/ rock/pop/ compositions is integrated live with smart lyrics to match. Ben Thornewill’s music conservatory background is apparent. He has serious chops without an attitude, but his facial expression is Oscar-worthy. Like Freddie Mercury of Queen, his vocal range ca
They went through much of their new recording Let Live and Let Ghosts, including the three-part "Fire in the Sky"/ "Where Are All The Scientists Now" / "A Matter of Time” that feature Siegel’s quirky vocals with Thornewill doing back up. Crowd favorites: "Good Day," "Hold it in," and "Victoria" were also in the mix and wonderful live.
Building on the party atmosphere, Ben introduced a cover song as an Indie guilty pleasure. Pleasure, it was, but I was too enthralled to remember the name.
When the set was over, the audience begged for an encore, some screaming suggestions. They chose the last grouping of songs on The Beatles Abbey Road. Easing into the beautiful "Golden Slumbers," the audience swayed and cooed. “Carry That Weight” was an awesome sing-along. “End” was the closing, and Tommy moved to stage left, leaving Jesse Kristin in full view for a great drum solo moment. This just killed.
Tides in music have a way of changing fast. Jukebox The Ghost’s refreshing personalities, undeniable musicianship, and dynamic pop and roll will sustain them. Making a buzz a breakthrough. They have it!
Jukebox The Ghost
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