Dear Sarah Palin ,
Thank s for reign iting a cultu re war. Thank s for turni ng this presi denti al conte st into a spira ling race to the botto m. Thank s for lying to the Ameri can peopl e over and over and over. Thank s for showi ng us that you don' t care if it's a lie as long as it serve s your purpo se. Thank s for being demea ning and sarca stic and setti ng a new tone of vindi ctive ness. Thank s for refus ing to take quest ions from the media or voter s for nearl y two weeks after your nomin ation . Thank s for lying about your recor d on energ y. Thank s for lying 27 times (and count ing) about your recor d on the " Bridg e to Nowhe re." Thank s for lying about your recor d on earma rks. Thank s for putti ng out a press relea se about your daugh ter' s pregn ancy and then calli ng the press sexis t when they cover the relea se. Thank s for degra ding commu nity organ izers who are some of the harde st worki ng and most selfl ess peopl e in our count ry. Thank s for degra ding Habeu s Corpu s, which is one of the most sacre d pilla rs of our democ racy. Thank s for compl etely ignor ing and effec tivel y denou ncing the idea of the separ ation of Churc h and State , which is anoth er pilla r of our democ racy. Thank s for oppor tunis tical ly prais ing Hilla ry Clint on while cynic ally denou ncing nearl y every thing she has spent her life worki ng for. Thank s for claim ing that " God" wante d you to build a gas pipel ine. Thank s for sayin g that the war in Iraq is " God' s work, " and invok ing the spect er of relig ious viole nce and holy war. Thank s for plung ing Wasil la into milli ons of dolla rs of debt and raisi ng the sales tax ( which is one of the most regre ssive taxes there is). Thank s for firin g peopl e that don' t agree with you and abusi ng your power as Gover nor. Thank s for going along with a whole slew of smear s and attac k ads ( many of which are fille d with blata nt lies) . Thank s for lying about selli ng your state 's plane on Ebay and then billi ng the state for $ 93, 000 in airfa re durin g 2007 for you and your famil y to fly. Thank s for billi ng the State for your trave l per diem while you were at home in Wasil la more than 30 times . Thank s for lying about Obama 's autho rship of legis latio n. Thank s for oppos ing major legis latio n for healt h care, educa tion, and senio rs. Thank s for slash ing fundi ng for Passa ge House , which is a trans ition al home for teena ge mothe rs.
Thank s for offer ing to chang e Washi ngton , but I think that what you' re offer ing looks much worse than what Georg e W. Bush has alrea dy done.
Thank s, but no thank s.
If we want chang e in Ameri ca we' ll build it ourse lves.
Since rely, César
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