I attended a fundraiser for the band Coyote Eyes on Friday night at The Delancey. Their goal was to recoup the costs incurred recording their EP after the small label that offered financial backing folded, leaving the band with expenses they hadn’t planned for. On hand to help were the Flying Pace, Marie Stella from Portland, Maine, and Quiet Loudly, who played sets and offered cheap merch while friends baked treats for sale. It was an atmosphere of love, support, and good music-making.
As soon as Coyote Eyes hit the stage, it was apparent why everyone there was showing love. The foursome floored me with two guitars, pedal boards, synth, bass, drums, and combined vocals.
Coyote Eyes were engaged, creating an invigorating sound guided by melodic sonic movements. They rev-ed up clean bell-like guitar riffs that build and scaffold, blasting with pulsating fast strumming meant to take you somewhere. Leading from the back and divine to witness was Jeremiah McVay, whose thunderous drumming skill was always on queue and the force and backbone of the sound.
The dynamic contrasts between the two vocalists diversified the sound and what made it more surprising was how they fluctuated between dominating one song or another or singing in unison. Manny Nomikos's emotional singing style with bursts of volume, multiple pitches, and at times, Yoko-like channeling, while Marta’s Deloreon vocals were smooth intoxicating, and perfectly phrased.
What is especially strong is how Deloreon’s voice rises above the amplified sonic rock cycles hanging suspended like a cloud above the surface of the forceful instrumentation. Calling and cooing and taking the listener in.
I am looking forward to the EP and am ready to be wowed.
Listen Here and hear why.
Marie Stella pictures as well